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On This Day Earth Shall Ring

1       2   3
4       5      
7 8     9    
10       11      
13   14     15     16


  1. to the Lord, _____ our King,
  2. with their _____ earth shall ring,
  3. from the _____ would hide him.
  4. born on _____ to save us;
  5. when he came _____ to earth,
  6. him the _____ gave us.
  7. Wise Men _____ to him led;
  8. praising Christ, heaven's _____,
  9. ox and ass _____ him


  1. On this day angels _____;
  2. kneel they low by his _____,
  3. born on earth to _____ us;
  4. with the song _____ sing
  5. His the doom, ours the _____;
  6. praise him and _____ him.
  7. God's bright star, o'er his _____,
  8. Bethlehem saw his _____;
  9. On this day earth shall _____
  10. lay their _____ before him,
  11. peace and _____ he gave us.

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