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Hail to the Lord's Anointed

This crossword was created by CARadke with EclipseCrossword - www.eclipsecrossword.com

1 2         3
4   5   6
    7               8
    10     11        
    13 14        
    15           16      
19                     20
        21 22  
  23 24      
    25   26              


  1. and bid the weak be _____;
  2. Before him on the _____,
  3. his _____ remove;
  4. from hill to _____ flow.
  5. his name shall stand _____;
  6. their darkness turn to _____,
  7. are _____ in his sight.
  8. Hail to the Lord's _____,
  9. and _____, in fountains,
  10. The _____ of time shall never


  1. to take away _____,
  2. great David's greater _____!
  3. He shall come down like _____
  4. love, joy, and _____, like flowers,
  5. to give them songs for _____,
  6. He comes with succor _____
  7. that name to us is _____.
  8. and rule in _____.
  9. whose _____, condemned and dying,
  10. shall _____, the herald, go,
  11. his _____ on earth begun!
  12. He comes to _____ oppression,
  13. To him shall _____ unceasing
  14. a _____ without end.
  15. Hail in the time _____,
  16. spring in his path to _____.
  17. to set the captive _____;
  18. to help the poor and _____,
  19. to those who _____ wrong;
  20. and daily vows _____;

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This crossword puzzle was created by CARadke with EclipseCrossword.
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Crossword puzzle copr. 2010 by CARadke, all rights reserved. Permission granted for use of individual puzzles by individuals and Christian church groups, including church choirs and classes, as long as there is no charge. All other uses require express written perission from CARadke at HymnSite.com.