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Blessed Assurance

1       2 3      
5         6      
8   9
12   13      


  1. _____ of his Spirit, washed in his blood.
  2. This is my story, this is my _____,
  3. angels descending bring from _____
  4. filled with his goodness, lost in his _____.
  5. Perfect submission, perfect _____,
  6. watching and _____, looking above,
  7. visions of _____ now burst on my sight;
  8. echoes of _____, whispers of love.
  9. _____ my Savior all the day long.


  1. _____ assurance, Jesus is mine!
  2. Heir of _____, purchase of God,
  3. praising my _____ all the day long;
  4. I in my Savior am _____ and blest,
  5. this is my _____, this is my song,
  6. O what a foretaste of _____ divine!
  7. Perfect submission, all is at _____;

Puzzle Key

This crossword puzzle was created by CARadke with EclipseCrossword.
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Crossword puzzle copr. 2011 by CARadke, all rights reserved. Permission granted for use of individual puzzles by individuals and Christian church groups, including church choirs and classes, as long as there is no charge. All other uses require express written perission from CARadke at HymnSite.com.